Were Back with new products for the Gift Shop and Vintage Toy Chest area of the gallery. Our hours remain Tuesday through Sunday 12-4pm. You can also make an appointment to schedule a private tour. We are always changing so stop by and visit soon.
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That's right, we will be closed until the third of February as we work on restocking Wolf Martinez's, Vintage Toy Chest. Thank you to our supportive collectors. We need to restock our shelves with designer and vintage collectable toys. We also have new art that will be presented by artists Eason Eige and Marie Kaplan.
We have new custom aprons, shirts, masks, socks and more. We appreciate all of your support and patience. Don't forget to subscribe to our website by clicking the Log In button on the top right of the page to be updated. Please follow us on Instagram and FaceBook under Wolf Martinez Gallery. See you soon.... 💕
As we are required to shut down, we are using the time to convert the gallery to a Christmas wonderland!! We are not only a Gallery and Gift Shop, but we are also a really cool place to shop, if I do say so myself. Each room is professionally, strategically and mathematically, YES mathematically put together. Artist Manuel Martinez takes his time as he plans out each room and converts them to the amazing display that makes you smile, as you walk through the door. Our goal is to create a winter wonderland from the moment you enter the gallery and on your way out through the beautiful court yard. We are working hard together and spreading our joy, to bring you joy! We miss everyone and cannot wait to open our doors again. Until then, I have been working hard to post new items on our shop area of the website so please check it out often. Thank you everyone.
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